13 septembre 2009

Iphone, le firmware 3 vide la batterie

Un article d'expert rapporte que le firmware 3 vide la batterie en moins d'une journée.

iPhone 3.0 battery drain

The iPhone 3.0 firmware is likely responsible for some unusually heavy battery drain on Apple handhelds, claims Aaron Vronko, the CEO of RapidRepair. The group was one of the first to conduct a teardown of the iPhone 3GS. Devices with the v3.0 firmware can sometimes drain "very quickly," Vronko notes, to the extent that they may be unable to make it through a single workday without a recharge. Similar complaints have appeared on Apple's support forums.

An iPhone 3G, for instance, may now drain in as fast as two hours, while a first-generation iPhone can last less than a day on standby. The problem is not believed to be connected to an inefficient battery, as it affects all three iPhone iterations. Theories suggest that the drain could be connected to push notification, which continually polls remote servers for app content. Some v3.0 users have reported better battery life after deleting and restoring e-mail accounts, namely those linked to Microsoft Exchange servers; the technique is not guaranteed to work, however.

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